My highest personal [reading] achievement came earlier this month
when I (finally) finished reading Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom. I have been reading this book intermittently since the day
it was published back in January. The lack of proper, manageable chapters was
really frustrating, especially since I never had long chunks of time to devote
to the long sections that formed the only natural break in the narrative. Ten
years ago, I was a champion for The Corrections
(I proudly own a pre-Oprah book club 1st edition). When a follow-up
was announced, I could hardly wait for the pub date. When I bought Freedom, I was stoked to learn that it
was set in St. Paul, involving a somewhat stereotypical couple that was a
gigantic composite of nearly every St. Paul couple I know. Ultimately, the main
characters were colossally ugly and while they each find their redemption at
the novel’s conclusion, by that point, I so didn’t care what happened to them.
Franzen’s dripping hostility was uncomfortably present in every sentence.
Seriously, dude, if that’s your “voice,” then I am so over you.
Midnight Riot
provided a wonderful antidote to the bad taste that Freedom left. The author, Ben Aaronovitch (who was a writer for classic
Dr. Who), has written a mystery
replete with well-developed characters, impeccable pacing, and an excellent
setting (London). Peter Grant is a Probationary Constable (police officer) who
dreams of being a detective. While investigating a crime scene, Grant encounters
an unusual witness to the crime—a ghost. Quickly, Grant is taken under the
tutelage of Chief Inspector Nightingale for wizard training. If you find yourself
above reading the Twilight series or any of the myriad vampire/werewolf/whatever
books, you might find Aaronovitch’s series smart and funny.
Over the course of two long car trips, I read Born to Run aloud to John and the boys. My book group had chosen it
to discuss last September (2010), but I was unable to attend that meeting and,
as often happens, I didn’t read the book. But, I hung onto it with every
intention of diving in at some point because I love this type of nonfiction,
which, in this book is a pleasing combination of sport, culture, and travel. Also,
I knew John, a former cross-country runner, would be interested. I wasn’t
wrong. Author Christopher explores the Tarahumara tribe, which dwells in Mexico’s
Copper Canyons. The Tarahumara run barefoot over long distances. Born to Run culminates with an epic
long-distance run involving the Tarahumara and some of the U.S.’s best extreme
City of Spies: This charming graphic novel features a young girl
who is abandoned by her father to live with her Bohemian but rich aunt in NYC
city for the summer. To cope, Evelyn draws a superhero comic and casts herself
as the sidekick. On the side, she hunts for spies with her real-life sidekick, Tony,
the super’s son. I loved the illustrations for their bright, vintage feel, as
well as Evelyn’s sense of adventure, which makes this graphic novel perfect for
fans of Tintin and Nancy Drew.